At Simply Affordable Roofing giving back to our community and the people who are in need around us is deeply rooted within each of us. A value our company holds in high regard is for us to be involved with organizations we care about.
Nalani and Brandon have hearts for people and the community. Nalani grew up in a home that encouraged acts of service and putting others before yourself. Both of her parents have led by example in the way they are hospitable to anyone who enters their home, volunteering at our schools growing up and with our church, and are always very quick to lend a helping hand. Nalani’s passion for helping people was really ignited in high school when she spent two spring breaks participating in ‘mud-outs’ in New Orleans as part of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Those trips really opened her eyes to how important it is to get right down in the trenches with someone when they are experiencing tragedy and have a tangible need. You don’t even need to say much, but sometimes just showing up and doing the work speaks for itself. In 2014 she graduated from Beaverton Police Citizen’s Academy which allowed her to volunteer with the department at various events. She loved learning directly from the officers and prominent members of the community about the specific needs of where she lived. Nalani and Brandon have both been actively involved in their church not only joining in service events but also taking an active role behind the scenes in planning and organizing.
Brandon has always felt a deep calling to help others and specifically to defend those who can’t defend themselves. A lot of his inspiration comes from his grandfather who was a WWII hero and carrying on his selfless dutiful sense to protect others. After high school Brandon was part of the Portland Police Cadet program and saved a young lady’s life when there was a shooting. He has contributed to a variety of organizations that help veterans, victims of sex trafficking, children in need, and specifically Operation Underground Railroad. He is currently serving in the Oregon Army National Guard where he looks for opportunities to serve the community as much as possible and is happy to be contributing in this way.
Chris and Kendall Ekerson were raised up that giving back is part of who you are and what you do. In their teens they both participated in their church and youth group projects. When they met in their early 20’s this is something they shared and then began to do together. They volunteered with their church in many roles, including serving at soup kitchens, visiting Mexico and helping build homes, packing food boxes for people in need and cleaning up school yards. Over the years they began to get involved with various organizations, such as, the American Cancer Society, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Rotary International and the Alzheimer’s Association.
The Alzheimer’s Association has become front and center for the Ekersons. Both Chris and Kendall have lost a grandparent to the disease. They have been involved for over ten years starting with walking in the annual Portland Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Over the years they have helped get their previous employers involved through events and sponsorship. Kendall took a special interest when she became a staff member at The Alzheimer’s Association back in 2019. Although she still walks to fight for her grandfather, working for the organization opened a whole new world. She now walks and raises money for other families and caregivers. The toll that this disease takes on the caregivers and family members is devastating. She is determined to help find a cure so her family will not have to go through this. They are so thankful this organization exists, but they hope that they never need to use the resources.
Kendall often shares a story that expresses why she is involved about a table that spouses, children and caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s (or another form of dementia) sat at during their loved ones’ appointments. They shared their stories, advice, formed friendships, and supported each other. This triggered a visual realization of a life Kendall never wanted to be a part of and didn’t ever want her family to have to sit at that table for her.
The four of us have a heart for giving back to our community and helping causes that are near and dear to us. From the start of our business, we knew that giving back needed to be something we did and committed to every year. We are starting small but hope to do more and more as we grow. This year we have specifically chosen to support the Alzheimer’s Association. Since this cause hits close to home for Chris and Kendall we thought this would be a great place for the four of us to start together.
We are committed to raising $5,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association in 2022. This is a big goal for our young company, but we have big plans. We have signed up to walk in the Portland Walk to End Alzheimer’s in October. We want to raise money and give back to this amazing organization. One way we plan to bring in funds is through a benefit concert. We are bringing out Jay Allen, a country musician from Nashville, on August 27th. Jay Allen has been an Alzheimer’s celebrity for many years now after losing his mother to the disease. He uses his talents and platform to help raise awareness and funds for the organization. We are so excited for this opportunity to make a big impact.
If you would like more information about the concert, or to help us reach our goal, please visit our concert webpage.